In Provek we are reinforcing our data consolidation process in order to comply with the requirements of the labor reform that went into effect on April 24.

In order to exemplify the new SUA documents, an example of each document is listed below, in order to have the knowledge of the new documents to be uploaded to the Provek platform.

It is worth mentioning that the new SUA documents. They are OPTIONAL documents and will be at your disposal to have a greater guarantee on the fiscal information and that strengthens the compliance to the specialized service providers.

List of New SUA Documents

It is worth mentioning that the new documents will be added to the current SUA documents, which are already integrated into the platform.


Quota Determination FormMonthlyPDFExample
Form for the determination of labor-employer contributions, contributions and amortizationsBimonthlyPDFExample
Single Self-Determination System (Settlement Summary)BimonthlyPDFExample
Form for payment of employer contributions (Line of Capture)MonthlyPDFExample
Comprobante de pago declaración SUA (Comprobante Bancario)MonthlyPDFExample

List of Current SUA Documents

It is worth mentioning that the new documents will be added to the current SUA documents, which are already integrated into the platform.

SUA Statement (Form for payment of employer's contributions and amortizations) "Line of capture".BimonthlyPDFExample
Proof of payment SUA declaration (XML payment to Infonavit)BimonthlyPDFExample
Proof of payment SUA declaration (XML payment to IMSS)BimonthlyPDFExample