
Email Settings
This section is in charge of adding the SMTP configuration data for sending e-mails with the contracting company's own domain, i.e. the company that wil...
Dom., 5 Mar., 2023 a las 2:14 A. M.
Mailing Template
Section where you can customize the emails that will be sent to your suppliers with the activities carried out in the provek portal.
Dom., 5 Mar., 2023 a las 2:15 A. M.
System Variables
Section where you will define portal parameters with the contracting company's data.
Dom., 5 Mar., 2023 a las 2:17 A. M.
My Divisions
section where the registration of divisions belonging to the corporate group of the contracting company is performed.
Dom., 5 Mar., 2023 a las 2:19 A. M.