It is possible that some inconveniences may occur during the uploading of documents, therefore we share some examples of inconveniences during the uploading of documents.

Document DOES NOT MATCH the selected format or file.

Document does not correspond to the period of the document upload, i.e. it is not the correct date.

When you try to upload a document that does not correspond to the nature of the requested document, the following legend is displayed

The following legend is shown when by mistake we try to upload a document SUA DECLARATION PAYMENT COMPOUND (XML of payment to infonavit) and the document we select to upload is actually a document. "COMPROBANTE DE PAGO DECLARACION SUA (XML of payment to IMSS)".

When the sum of the payment of the SUA declaration voucher (XML Infonavit payment) and the payment of the SUA declaration voucher (XML IMSS payment) is not equal to the total payment of the SUA declaration, the system will indicate that the amount paid does not match.

Therefore, the total of both IMSS and INFONAVIT SUA vouchers must match the total of the SUA Statement.