Incidents in document uploading

Document Incidences Specialized Services
It is possible that some inconveniences may occur during the uploading of documents, therefore we share some examples of inconveniences during the uploading...
Dom., 5 Mar., 2023 a las 3:25 P. M.
¿How to download Infonavit electronic invoices?
In the following article we are going to explain how to download the electronic invoice of the infonavit, this is with the objective that in the case of not...
Lun., 6 Mar., 2023 a las 6:15 P. M.
¿Why does my monthly VAT/ISR return have a rejected status?
In the following article we are going to explain why there are cases where the requested document, whether it is a monthly VAT or ISR return, has a status o...
Lun., 6 Mar., 2023 a las 6:34 P. M.
¿Why is the social security compliance opinion document rejected?
Next we are going to explain why the social security compliance opinion is constantly being rejected.  Previously in the IMSS portal the opinion documen...
Lun., 6 Mar., 2023 a las 6:41 P. M.