My Templates

Individual Template
What is a Template? It is a set of information that is requested from a supplier. Since there are different types of suppliers, there are also different...
Dom., 5 Mar., 2023 a las 3:52 A. M.
Moral Person Template
The Moral Person template has the following documents that the supplier must upload in the provek portal, these documents are required to qualify as an offi...
Dom., 5 Mar., 2023 a las 3:44 A. M.
Foreign Template
The Foreign template has the following documents that the supplier must upload to the provek portal, these documents are required to qualify as an official ...
Dom., 5 Mar., 2023 a las 3:50 A. M.
Specialized Services Template
The Specialized Services template has the following documents that the supplier must upload to the provek portal. The specialized services documents are con...
Dom., 5 Mar., 2023 a las 3:03 P. M.